Efficiency Manitoba Solar Rebate

Efficiency Manitoba is now offering rebates on solar systems for homes and businesses that are connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid.

Solar PV systems can provide energy to your home and business in a sustainable manner. They can help reduce your monthly energy bill, mitigate the impact of future rate increases, and increase the value of your property.

Solar For Your Home

Efficiency Manitoba is offering a rebate of $0.50 per direct current (DC) watt installed on homes connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid, up to a maximum of 10 kW and $5,000 per home.

Rebates are available for system sizes of up to 10 kW per home, installed on or after April 1, 2022. Homeowners can install solar systems larger than 10 kW; however, the rebate will be capped at 10 kW and $5,000 per home. If the equipment cost of your new solar system is less than the calculated rebates amount, your rebate will be capped at the lesser of the two amounts.

Solar For Your Business

Efficiency Manitoba is offering a rebate of $0.50 per direct current (DC) watt installed on businesses connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid, up to a maximum of 50 kW and $25,000 per building.

Rebates are available for system sizes of up to 50kW per building for customers that receive pre-approval from Efficiency Manitoba on or after August 18, 2022. Your solar system can be larger than 50 kW; however, the rebate will be capped at 50 kW and $25,000. If the equipment cost of your new solar system is less than the calculated rebate amount, your rebates will be capped at the lesser of the two amounts.

In addition to receiving a rebate through this Solar Rebate Program, you can also apply for other rebates through the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, further lowering the overall cost of your solar system. Financing is also available through the Canada Greener Homes Loan and Manitoba Hydro’s Efficiency Loan. 

If you are ready to register for the Efficiency Manitoba Solar Rebate Program, our team at Azgard Solar can help make the process quick and easy for you! Contact us to get started today.

Visit https://efficiencymb.ca/solar/ for further details on the Efficiency Manitoba Solar Rebate Program.