Greener Homes Grant
Closed to New Applicants
The Greener Homes Grant is no longer available to new applicants. Homeowners who have already completed their online registration and have received an application number are encouraged to proceed in a timely manner with their retrofits and will continue to be eligible for funding and support through the Canada Greener Homes portal.
The Government of Canada has unveiled plans to adjust the Greener Homes program and initiate a new phase that will support Canadian households with low-to-median incomes. Updates to follow in the next coming weeks as more information is released. To read the full update, CLICK HERE.
Eligible applicants received grants up to $5,600 for the implementation of eligible retrofits, retroactive to December 1, 2020, as well as an additional $600 to support the cost of an Energuide home energy evaluation. Applicants can also take advantage of the Greener Homes Loan, which offers interest-free loans of up to $40,000 to help with the costs of these energy-efficiency retrofits. You can learn more about the loan program here. The loan program will remain open, despite the grant closure.